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Thursday, July 22, 2010

The five Outstanding qualities of a professional blogger!

The five Outstanding qualities of a professional blogger!

In the world of blogging, there are a principle that brings about success and growth. In our everyday life we try to improve and one can only improve on things that have already been in existence. Why do you think big companies like Microsoft and hp are growing? All they do is improve (upgrading) their products, to increase sale and enhance growth in their companies they have to have some of these qualities so you too should also do the same.  

I have listed some qualities that can improve your blogging success!

Have a vision
Vision is a combination of things your want to do for a long period of time and goals you want to archive. Your ability to visualize things that will change your world is what makes you a successful person. The reason why most bloggers fail is because they don’t have a vision. Vision is what sustains a man in the things he does no matter the challenges he may face, this is also know as goal setting. When you don’t have a vision, success will be like a mirage to you. Any blogger who does not have any vision for blogging will end up doing everything that just arrived at their disposal.

That was my former life as a beginner, doing every thing I read about because I thought blogging is just a way to make money, but I got it all wrong. The size of your vision will determine how far you want to reach with your blogging. Vision is also a unique idea that you want to put into your blogging or a particular pattern that you want to follow. This really needs time to figure out.
If you want to develop a vision as a blogger or improve on you already have, follow these steps

  1. Spy on others: the best way to learn is to learn from those who have made it. Visit some professional blogs related to want you intend blogging about and take a Look at what they are doing (you will notice from their content, their blog design, arrangement of article e.t.c. on their blog) and try to picture how yours should look like.
  2. Find your sphere: This is very important if you want to be a professional blogger (jack of all trade masters of none) it’s good you do one thing and be good at it before moving to the next and never getting it right. There is still space for you out there. You need to find your own area of specialization, (for example: you like finance, then set up a blog that deals with financial issues). If you noticed from those blogs you’ve visited you will find out that most of their blog posts are in the same niche (related) it is vision that will keep you in your niche!
  3. Learn To Help Others: Look at some problem you once faced and how you got out of it. Then relate it to what to blog about.
  4. What you are passionate about: This is very vital and most important. Blogging is all about what you are passionate about. If you are asked to talk to people what will your audience be? What will you say to them? What can you do for free?
  5. Be original: Originality is what will single you out from the multitude. Remember that you are not the only one in that field. Try as much as you can to provide original contents for your blog content is the king.

Have a master plan

The systematic arrangement of how thing will go and how to follow them on the long run is what I call master plan. Any blogger without a plan have already planned to fail! Proper preparation leads to productive performance and vice versa. You must set out time to plan for the next thing to do from time to time after completing a project.

Sometimes I visit some blogs and I found out that their last post was posted some months back, in most cases this is as a result of poor planning. Knowing what to do next is very important. Take out time to plan for what to do next because there is always a (what) next in every life.

Be committed and discipline

It is one thing to plan for what next to do and it is another thing to be committed to it, this I what we refer to as discipline. This is one of the most difficult parts of the whole story; lack of commitment can result in small or low results. I happens to me at times, I fill discourage and not do what I have planned to do. I want you to understand that there is no one blogger that have never been discouraged at one time or the other or less committed to blogging before. But you know what I do? I put on courage by thinking of the things I want to achieve (my vision). Put more effort today by putting more effort into your blogging.

Have patience

A patient dog eats the fattest bone! Wait for your success to arrive, don’t quit because quitters never wins and winners never quit! Stick to your dream. Its only time that can prove your success, the difference between you and that successful blogger is time. Invest your time and money into your blog. Remember Rome was not built in a day; there is no blogger that just made it in one day. Be patient and your change will come, don’t be in a hurry because those who are in a hurry don’t always see the problem coming because they want it by all means. Once again be patient because when you are patient in doing things you will end up making wise decisions.

Develop your mind

A well developed mind will produce good and incredible results. The more your mind is developed the more you see success. Spend extra time to increase your knowledge, do not stay too long before you know what’s happening in your sphere because you will become outdated, there is always a room for improvements. Then greatest room in the world is the room of improvement. The greatest investment you can ever make is to invest in your mind.

Have the interest of the readers in heart

most bloggers don’t care the kind of content they put in their blogs. They fail to understand that without the readers there will be not blogging (just like a pastor without the church members, no members no pastor) no readers no blog! Your readers should be your number one priority and not you; because the money you are looking for will be gotten from the people that visit your blog so why not put things that will benefit them? Do not put adverts that will drive visitors from your blog or tarnish your image as a blogger.

A bird at hand is better than thousands in the bush, place great value on every single preview you get from a reader because your next buck could be in the hand of your next reader. When you provide quality content on your blog you don’t beg for followers because your works alone can speak for its self. Take out time to think what your readers would need and put it on your blog; try to get comments or feedback from your readers to know what they think about your blog this will encourage and help you to improve.

Harness towards blogging

 The kind of push you put into blogging will determine the result you get. There is no future for a lazy person. Put more effort to your blogging, the beginning of every thing is usually very difficult compared to when you get to the place called success, have every wondered why a car doesn’t start moving on maximum speed when it starts moving? What about airplanes that takes several turns on the tarmac before taking off? Just keeping doing what you are doing you will get to where you want to be, its hard doing it but just keep doing it and you will get smile on you face soon! See you on top! 

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